Winter Wedding Wonderland 9 Weeks Remaining!

I hope you have been enjoying your Thursday, even if you just woke up.


So I hope you enjoyed last weeks wedding update, because here comes another! We are officially less than 2 months away, eeek!

alyssaandchris-27Excited for: Living together with my future husband! So this week Chris is working in St. Paul and I have been soaking up all the time with him that I can. It has been so great cooking and eating dinner together on WEEKNIGHTS. Naturally, this has me daydreaming of when Chris moves into this apartment and adjusting to life as a married couple (all the daydreaming and time with Chris has lead to quite an unproductive week).

IMG_0202Anxious about: I have this irrational fear of messing up the vows during our wedding and this keeps slipping into my mind this week. I just have to repeat what the priests says, so clearly this should be something not to worry about.

Need to Do: This week we have been focusing on picking the music for the wedding (there’s going to be a lot of Christmas music if you want a bit of a sneak peak). Chris is the more musical one in our relationship so it is great having his input. I also need to bustle my dress so I can be ready to get my groove on at the reception.

Looking forward to: Getting my veil from Silver Rose which will complete my wedding day ensemble and finishing this semester of school.



I’m hoping that soon the list of “need-to-do” will get just a bit shorter!



WIAW #7 Taco Tuesday

Good morning all!

I was able to spend last night with Chris at Theology on Tap, and it was such a treat to see Chris during the week! I was loving every minute of it! But lets see what happened during the rest of the day:


As always thanks to Jen from peasandcrayons for hosting this fun celebration of food!

My alarm clock went off at 7 and I rolled out of bed to bike to a spin class….so much biking. I inhaled a banana with some peanut butter for my pre workout fuel!

After spin I came back and had two fried eggs and cinnamon apple for breakfast!

Then I did some work for my Master’s Project. I am looking at tray waste in elementary schools so I spent 3 hours watching mashed pototes and gravy getting thrown away by adorable little humans!

Then I wandered over to Caribou and enjoyed lunch while I studied (my classes have kind of crept up on me this semester…wedding brain).

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Chris is a great baker and went to town whipping these babies up this weekend: Chris’s own signature creation of pumpkin spice peanut putter cookies…basically peanut butter cookies with pumpkin chocolate chips! Long story short, I had a cookie and some celery for snack!

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Then for dinner we feasted on Tacos..obviously because it was Taco Tuesday. We had turkey tacos with sautéed onions and green peppers served with cheesy beans and sweet potato fries


And then for Dessert, we headed out to the cheesecake factory and I had half a slice of the most chocolatey cheesecake I have ever experienced. Soo good, but way too rich to eat the whole slice!


Question of the day: What is your favorite thing to order at a coffee shop? Do you go for a fancy drink or stick with the classic black coffee? I mean I love me a pumpkin spice latte, but that is usually just a special treat. My usual is a dark roast with one pump of a fancy flavor (pumpkin if it is in season).


Wheat-less Wednesday(On Tuesday): How to begin a gluten-free diet

Happy Tuesday!

So a few readers have reached out to me explaining that they need to begin a gluten-free diet, for one medical reason or another, and they don’t know exactly where to start or how to begin this transition in their life. So I have created 5 steps to get the process started. Note, there is no right or wrong way, I am just offering helpful suggestions!

1. Take Inventory: Remember you don’t need to go to the grocery store and spend $500 to recreate your entire pantry. Most of the staples you have at home, are gluten-free. We just need to identify what stays and what goes.

  • Grains: brown rice, quinoa, oatmeal
  • Legumes: Beans, lentils, nuts, peanut butter
  • Tomato sauces: ketchup, salsa, marinara
  • Dairy: cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt
  • protein: Eggs, chicken (nothing breaded= no chicken nuggets)
  • Any fruits and vegetables
Toss (or set aside for other gluten-eating family members)
  • All bread and wheat products including: croutons, wontons, crackers, multigrain chips, hamburger buns
  • cereals
  • pizza
  • gluten filled condiments: soy sauce, some barbecue sauces (Famous Daves), teriyaki
  • creamy soups or sauces

2. Make a List: Remember it is best to eat a naturally gluten-free diet limiting the amount of processed foods that are made gluten-free. Most gluten-free processed foods have more sugar and fat than their gluten counterparts to make the taste and texture more desirable

  • gluten-free bread- I like Udi’s Ancient grain 
  • gluten-free pasta
  • gluten-free flour (if and only if you bake A LOT, I rarely use gluten-free flour and usually substitute beans or oat flour)
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  • oatmeal (if not found in your inventory)
  • Whole grain of choice: quinoa, brown rice, etc…

3. Go to the Store: Remember don’t fall into the gluten-free trap. You don’t need gluten-free pop tarts, you didn’t eat regular pop tarts before! It’s hard to not think you need EVERYthing. Just focus on fruits, vegetables, and your list.

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4. Food Preparation: It is important, especially if you have Celiac’s disease, to de-gluten your kitchen so you can cook in a safe environment and don’t have to constantly worry about cross contamination. After you are ready to begin cooking make a big batch of grains to use throughout the week (quinoa is a GREAT option).

  • Get a separate gluten-free toaster
  • wipe down counters and especially silverware drawers to get rid of gluten crumbs


5. Eating Out: Even though we all try to cook and pack lunches, we are human and have busy lives. So you may find yourself out on the town wondering where to eat. With that being said many restaurants these days have gluten-free menus or are more than happy to accommodate your food allergies. So don’t be afraid to speak up! If all else fails the salad (no croutons) is always a good choice!


And most importantly remember to enjoy food and cooking. Being gluten-free is not a death sentence but a chance to revamp favorite recipes and explore new possibilities. And if you are still confused or ever question if something is ok, remember to keep it simple! Grilled chicken, with rice and steamed vegetables is a perfectly healthy and “normal” dinner to have!

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Hope that helped!


Winter Wedding Wonderland – 10 Weeks!

So I am starting a new series that will countdown the last 10 weeks to our wedding!


I have done a horrible job at updating all of you about the wonderful wedding planning process, but every week I will give you a little peak into the craziness!


  1. Excited for: The new glittery blue Tom’s that should be arriving on my door any day now! Things are really starting to come together. And also the RSVPs coming in the mail, I love getting them and see who will be coming!
  2. Anxious about: The Floral arrangements..they are the last big thing we have yet to check off. All the flower shops in Cloquet are closed for Christmas, so now we are in a pickle.
  3. Need to Do: Well besides the flowers, still need to glitterize some lovely mason jars for the tables.
  4. Looking forward to: Finally being married and able to cook and eat dinner together every night, and also to have a helping hand going grocery shopping to have someone brave the crowds with me.

I can’t wait to marry Chris in just 10 short weeks!


WIAW #5 Food Prep

Hey all and welcome to Wednesday! This week I celebrated WIAW on Sunday and showcased a bit of my normal, beginning-of-the week food preparation.

As always thanks to Jen from peas and crayons for hosting this food celebration week after week.

My Sunday started with 9 am mass and then I dashed to Cub Foods (which was a madhouse) before heading back and succumbing to my starvation. I splurged on some cinnamon bagels from the co-op last week and created one of the best breakfasts ever! I had one half with pb and one half cheesy egg eggstravaganza…delicious, all accompanied with some cinnamon apple on the side.

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A delicious Sunday brunch.IMG_0239Then snack time rolled around while I studied away, and I had yet another apple, some banana bread, and carrots.

IMG_0246Then for dinner I had turkey chili and roasted brussels sprouts and cauliflower. I roasted a lot so I could have some to add to salads throughout the week.

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I also prepped a big batch of brown rice, some turkey chilli and cut and washed some dippable (lunch-packing) veggies like carrots and cauliflower.IMG_0251IMG_2694

And then I had more miscellaneous candy, earned from the pumpkin run, while studying…

Question of the Day: What is your favorite bagel flavor or way you like to eat bagels? Personally I love cinnamon raisin or everything bagels, pretty much anything but a plain bagel will win over my heart.




Pumpkin Run 2014

I had a blast this weekend, and I hope you did too! Here’s the quick recap. My mom came to visit on Thursday and we went shopping and out for dinner where we dined on some great cheeseburgers. I love me some mother daughter time, it was such a fun treat! Then on Friday we drove back up to Cloquet for the weekend. I loved not having to make the 2 hour commute by myself. I think I talked her ear off.

Once we made it back, Chris and I ate dinner with my parents and then I watched say yes to the dress on mute while he studied away for his big test. Then on Saturday while Chris took his test, I ran the 9th annual pumpkin run!

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I finished in a time of 23:07, my best time by almost a minute. I was 19th overall, the 4th female finisher and first in my age group (20-29). While that sounds suprer impressive (I think it does), keep in mind there were only 250 runners, so it wasn’t a huge race.

IMG_2657One of the best parts about the race is that the winners get a pumpkin! I am not a competitive runner, so I was very happily surprised with my time and the race was great.


My people also raced. My dad finished in 25:52 and my mom walked it in an impressive 46 minutes! Here they are in action:

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This picture below, just makes me so happy, my parents are so supportive of Chris and me, and I’m going to miss my every other weekend visiting time, once Chris moves to Minneapolis  come the big day of December 27th. I will not miss all the driving though


IMG_2658I hope you got outside and enjoyed this weekend.

Question of the day: What is the perfect distance for a race? I have only done one 5 miler a couple years ago and I almost died, but I think now that would be a great distance!



WIAW Potassium Shortage

Happy Wednesday ya’ll!

Here is my edition of What I Ate from Yesterday! I had quite the busy day and ended up eating dinner on the go. Check it out! And as always thanks to Jen from peas and crayons for hosting this food party.

I woke up yesterday and I was on a mission to get to Spin class on time (after I hit the snooze button a few times) so I inhaled a half banana with a generous helping of peanut butter on my way out the door.


This got me to thinking, what is the proper ratio of banana to peanut butter for optimal tastiness? Ponder this and let me know what you think!

After I got back from spin I was famished and made my favorite breakfast of all time! Banana bread oatmeal with mashed banana (yes, if you’re counting banana#2) chia seed, cinnamon and pecans! It’s like banana bread in a bowl.

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I enjoyed my coffee and milk a little after breakfast, while working on my Master’s Project. Oh and the second half of my banana was a dessert banana with this super delicious peanut butter Chris and I scored at an apple orchard last weekend!


For lunch I was trying to clean out the refrigerator of miscellaneous tupperware filled with roasted veggies, tofu, and some roasted chicken. This is what I came up with. It had an extra big heap of feta cheese, which made me extra happy 🙂


For snack at my internship I had an apple, honey crisp of course.

IMG_2598Then dinner was eaten at Starbucks, a hummus chicken spinach sandwich with a side of veggies and an unsweetened small iced tea. Normally I am a 100% coffee girl, but the tea just called to me. It was my first time getting iced tea at Starbucks and I have to say that I am a fan. It hit the spot.


And then after Theology on Tap I had a little sweet treat before bedtime. It may look measly but it tasted delicious! One celery with peanut butter, 2 peanut butter m&ms and a few dark chocolate chunks.

IMG_0222 Question of the Day: 1. What is your favorite thing to put peanut butter on and 2. What is the optimal peanut butter to (insert favorite pb food here) ratio?      It’s a little weird, but just until recently I was kind of a peanut butter hater, and so now I feel like I need to put it on everything to make up for my lost years. My favorites include: celery, apple (when not in season and NOT a honey crisp), and BANANA (ultimate favorite). I still do not like pb&j’s though. In regards to the ratio, I’m a bit of a skimper. I like to taste the banana or celery.



Lumberjack Metamorphosis

So this weekend was just a great one. It was one of those were you look back and realize how grateful you are for the family and friends that surround you and bring so much love and joy into your life.

It all started on Friday, I drove back to Cloquet to see Chris (and our families) and I stuffed invitations while he studied….so many stickers.


Then on Saturday we got up bright and early to drive to Chris’s hunting shack for “work weekend.” This was my first experience at the hunting shack and I was a little apprehensive about what all this working would look like (I’m a never-touched-a-gun type of girl). But before we get into that, on our journey north we stopped at a cute coffee shop and I had one of the best lattes in my life (pumpkin spice with half the pumpkin). With a side of a gluten-free strawberry shortcake muffin.

IMG_2604 So darn delicious.

We made it to the shack and were greeted by much of Chris’s family and a beautiful day!

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Now to the working part, I chopped wood…

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And transformed into a lumberjack


Overall, it was such a fun day in the woods with Chris and his family. I even got to drive Chris’s brothers four wheeler and while it may not have been the smoothest ride, I didn’t hit any trees! I count that as a victory.


Rolling into Sunday, it was the Fall Festival at our church so we feasted on eggs, sausage, and breakfast potatoes while chatting with my family and  listening to everyone else win our the raffle prizes. Oh well….there’s always next year!

I hope you all had a great weekend.

Question of the day: What’s your favorite fall outdoor activity? Personally, I love running  in the morning as it starts dipping into the 30’s! So brisk yet so wonderful!




Accidentally Delish

So while I was slaving away in the kitchen one night I realized I had a half a can of pumpkin calling to me in the fridge and 2 ripe bananas dying to be used up, and this is what happened.

Breakfast Muffin

One-Bowl Recipe

Banana-Pumpkin Muffin

So simple. So healthy. Perfect for breakfast or snack.
  • 1/4 cup ground flax seed
  • 1 cup oat flour
  • 1 cup oatmeal
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
  • 2 ripe bananas mashed
  • 1/2 can of pumpkin puree
  • 1/2 cup almond milk
  • 1/4 cup plain greek yogurt


  1. Preheat oven to 350° and grease muffin tin.


2. Place all ingredients in mixing bowl and stir and mix well.




These are so moist and delicious! Perfect for a breakfast on the go or a quick snack. They are just the right amount of sweet for an afternoon pick me up!


WIAW#4: Something Normal

Happy Wednesday!

So my sister keeps telling me that I need to eat and post “normal people food” and put a picture of a sandwich or cereal from a box, because nobody eats quinoa 24/7. While I have to say my WIAW or a pretty accurate look into what I actually eat during the day. I decided to share my Saturday, because maybe that is more “normal.” This ones for you Sara, Love you sister!

As always thanks to Jen from peas and crayons for hosting this celebration of food.

Breakfast 8 am: Pumpkin Overnight Oats (mine did not look this professional-and I forgot to take a picture) but they had some pumpkin, plain greek yogurt + dollop of chobani pumpkin greek yogurt, chia seeds, milk, and cinnamon!


9:30 am Various sampling at the Farmer’s market + warm cup of coffee + delicious coconut macaroons. These macaroons from Salty Tart bakery are seriously life changing.

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Early Lunch: Veggie Fajitas with home made guacamole on corn tortillas + honey crisp  apple from the farmer’s market.

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Snack: Chris and I were pretty lame and did a lot of studying so naturally I did a lot of snacking…beet cupcake, cauliflower and the best hummus ever (white bean and basil)


Dinner: Chris had to return his tuxedo from the wedding, so we swung by Digby’s, it’s a burger joint in Roseville and had a tasty dinner. It started with sweet potato nachos



And ended with a burger served with a house side salad!

Needless to say we were stuffed and forgo dessert to save our stomachs!

That is what I ate this Saturday!

Question of the day: What is your favorite burger topping? I love bacon and bbq sauce!
