WIAW: Meals on the Go

Hello and Happy Wednesday to us all!

I felt kind of sad that I miss out on last weeks WIAW, but I have been working longer hours at my second job and it has been exhausting me! Seriously I have a new found respect for people that work 2 jobs, or maybe I just need to get tougher.

In other news, I am now the proud owner of a Fitbit. Due to the afore mentioned long (14 hour) work days, my walking stats have been abismal (oops). I’m trying to take some more walking breaks now. I will give you all an update when I actually learn how to work this little thing.

Anywhoo, let’s get to the eating!

Tuesday started off with some Tone it Up yoga. Chris left for South Dakota around 7 am so I opted for a short workout so I could eat some breakfast with him.

I had to pack lunch and dinner as I work from 8am to 10 pm. I have been trying to get creative so I’m not packing the same thing day in and day out, but it’s difficult because everyday I pack myself like 20 tupperwares.

Breakfast: Eggs, strawberries, and a white peach! I seriously eat a peach at every single meal. I cannot get enough of them.

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Snack: banana and some chocolatey trail mix packed in my re-used jam wedding favor jars.


Lunch: Remaining 1/2 of white peach, turkey sandwich and veggies


pm snack: strawberries, celery and peanut butter, and small brownie


Dinner: Taco salad. I pack a hot container and a cold container, so my lettuce won’t get wilted when i heat up my taco meat!

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It kind of depresses me that everything besides breakfast was eaten at work! But I am thankful for the work that I have and the body and brain that allows me to do it.

As always thanks to Jenn from peasandcrayons for hosting!

Question of the day: What is one thing you take for granted?

Quest For The Crust Part 4

So another week (or 2 or 5) has come and gone and another date night has come upon us! And so we made a triple meat lovers pizza with a sprinkling of vegetables to celebrate…us?

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This week we are reviewing….Bob’s Red Mill Yeasty pizza dough. I got this at whole foods for like $4 I think.

This was a yeasty crust, which I was super excited to try. I had a feeling it would be the  the most pizza-like in taste and texture. Well here we go follow along our pizza making adventures.


First of all, the package makes 2 pizzas…and we are only 2 people. So we immediately thought why don’t we make cinnamon rolls with the other half. Of course we could have frozen it to make another day, but we had our hearts set on cinnamon rolls.


I tackled the pizza while Chris expertly rolled the cinnamon!IMG_0470

Chris decided it was going to be a 3 meat pizza, because he was channeling his inner Jim Gaffigan and kept saying because “I am American.” So we had maple venison sausage, bacon, and pepperoni along with red peppers, onions, and mushrooms (on my half).

Here is it going into the oven…so much meat, where’s the pizza?


Here it is after baked to deliciousness. The final product!IMG_3429

The Review:

Alyssa: 4, I thought the taste of the crust was very good, and it was super simple to make. However, the crust did get a bit soggy, but this may have been more the weight of the ingredients, than the sturdiness of the crust. Also I would really like to find a recipe to make with ingredients from home instead of buying a package mix.

Chris: 3, “I’ve got no complaints against it really. I just want to be amazed, and that left me thinking it was just a good crust.”

Alas, the pizza palooza continues. We are thinking we may need to branch into the cauliflower crusts next.

WIAW: Summer time = Sweating time

Hey folks and happy Wednesday!

I will do my usual super exciting WIAW post but then I have to share my ice cream discovery! Granted, I would not call myself an ice cream conessour, it’s still hands down the best ice cream I’ve ever had. But first….let me take a selfie. Because what’s a weekend without shame-less photo taking.

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Breakfast: Cereal (half cinnamon puff, half gluten free brown rice krispies) with strawberries and chia seeds eaten in a whale bowl. Which is clearly the only way to eat cereal, or really any food that can be stacked, scooped, or haphhazardly shoved into this dear, and oh-so-cheerful bowl. P.s the whale is smiling underneath the milk and cereal.


Snack: Banana and cashews. Here is my hipster jar of nuts with cashews on the bottom and pistachios on top. So logically, I would want to eat the cashews first…


Lunch: Salad w/italian dressing and cherries! Summer salad had radish, cucs, zucchini, turkey, spinach and mixed greens.

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Snack: Leftover fajita enchiladas (unpictured). I had a bigger snack because I was working out after work on Tuesday and because I was at work and just eat continuously.

Dinner: Picnic with the husband! Chris travels quite frequently so when he is staying only an hour away, meeting up at night is fun and preferred. We stopped at Aldi and bought some barbecue quinoa chips (I picked those) and some gluten-free chocolate cookies (chris’s choosing). Then we stopped at Subway, where I got an italian chopped salad. Salami is one of my weaknesses, what is better than salty sandwich meat?

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Oh and this warm weather has me on the ice cream hunt (moderation people). So my ice cream escapades lead me to this little gem:

It’s the perfect ratio of raspberry to chocolate! Trust me on this one and split it with a friend (or 2).

Question of the day: Frozen Yogurt or Ice cream?

Thanks to Jenn from peasandcrayons for hosting!

Eat some quinoa and be happy today!



Hey Guys! Don’t be afraid that your eyes have deceived you…YES, this is the second blog post in one week. I’m on a roll. Don’t be shy, you can compliment me on this amazing feat (ok, no no that would be way over the top).

Anyway I thought I would bring you all on a virtual tour of my day as a Dietetic intern, living in a cube and loving life.


On Tuesday (as in the day before last) I woke up at 5:30 to get my workout on. I was still sore from the half marathon, so I skipped the running and did some Tone it up routines. I’m new to the TIU scene, and like it but have a few mixed feelings about why they need to be working out in teeny bikinis.

Breakfast: microwave oatmeal with chia seeds, strawberries, mango and blackberry. A stellar way to start the day.


Snack: Apple pie Larabar with chai tea


Lunch: Turkey sandwich on gf bread, vegetables and cottage cheese to dip them in. Oh and the tiniest, cutest tootsie pop I have ever seen.


Afternoon snack: rhubarb muffin and an orange

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Dinner: Meatballs, broccoli, and sweet potatoes. Random side note: I watched recipe rehab on PBS with my mom this weekend and the chef cooked the meatballs in the oven and then covered them with sauce and baked them even more. So I had to try it out, and I have to say the meatballs were super moist and we used a super lean beef. I count it as a win.

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Dessert: Chocolate chips! (Unpictured, but still delicious)

Question of the Day: What’s your favorite snack? Right now I’m on a major granola bar quick, pretty much any brand I can get my hands on.

As  always thanks to Jenn from Peas and Crayons for hosting this celebration of good food and friends!


Race Recap!

Hey Everyone and Happy Tuesday!

Now that my internship has started at the Minnesota Department of Education and I am working  consistent hours, hopefully I can get back to the blog and update you on all things happening with these newlyweds! One big thing that just happened was the Minneapolis Half Marathon on Sunday.

Setting the scene: This was my second and Chris’s third half marathon. The only other half marathon we have collectively completed was Grandmas Half Marathon in Duluth, MN (basically our backyard) which we have now learned was a very flat and wonderful course.


Anywhoo, ceremonial pre-race picture! My parents actually drove two hours to spectate and were nice enough to drop us off at 7 am! Love them!



All smiles here….

My parents cheered us on at mile 2, still smiling…


And then the hills began…and NEVER ended.

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This is me DYING at mile 11 , but Chris cruising in at mile 13.

IMG_2247-1We both finished. Chris crushed his previous PR by 15 minutes (HOLY BATMAN), while sadly I limped in at 1:53, 3 minutes after my PR. I am nothing but proud of Chris and his AMAZING race. But,  I have to say the race left me a bit frustrated. I followed Hal Higdons Novice 2 training to a T and felt super prepared going into the race. And then at mile 6 I got some serious stomach and side cramping that would not go away. Lets just say the last 4 miles were a STRUGGLE!


With that being said, I am so happy that we both finished with no major injuries!

The rest of Sunday we took it easy, ate some ice cream, napped, and then Chris made some delicious rhubarb muffins! My parents delivered some hand picked from their yard when they visited and we could not wait to whip up some baked deliciousness. Chris took the lead on all things rhubarb, because he is the master baker in our household!

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I need to share this recipe with all of you because they are melt-in-your-mouth pure gluten-free cinnamon-y goodness.