WIAW Crutches Edition

Hey guys! While my life has slowed down considerably due to crutches there is also another important milestone that I recently reached. As of yesterday, September 1, 2015 I am now Alyssa Hammitt, MPH!! Woo! Oh my goodness I am so excited to finish this program and definitely learned a lot in this jam-packed 2 year craziness.

But Anyway not to get sentimental, but here is a picture that my cohort snapped on Monday after we finished our presentations. These women are some of the kindest, most generous, and passionate people and I am so glad I went through the program with them!


After all that sentimentality…here is the food part.

Here is a glimpse into the life of a recovering bunionator. Sunday seems like a great place to start.

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8 am: wake-up and take a shower (p.s. showering is the worst). Balancing on one foot while getting into and out of a slippery tup leaves for a lot of opportunities to fall. So far there has only been one casualty…

9am: Mass. Of course we were late because everything takes longer with crutches, and let me tell you, you can’t inconspicuously crutch into a church.

10:15 am: Starbucks! Iced Coffee with 2 pumps of hazelnut and 2% milk is my jam!


10:30-12: Crutch 4 blocks to and from the St. Paul Farmer’s Market…so SWEATY. But hey as my husband says no one can stop this (almost) Dietitian from getting some veggies. We did have a giant Sweet Tango apple at the market to hold us over.


12:30: Breakfast is served (Finally). We were both starving and inhaled some oatmeal and berries!


5pm: Potluck with my cohort and the new incoming students. Sadly no pictures taken of this great spread. I mostly stuck to vegetables as you never know when gluten can pop into a dish that is unlabeled. Oh and I had like 5 of these cinnamon rhubarb muffins Chris graciously made! They are soo good!


8:30 pm: Secret Dairy queen run after leaving nutritious dinner. Reese’s blizzard hit the spot and helped me to carbo load for my presentation the next day.

Have a great Wednesday!


7 thoughts on “WIAW Crutches Edition

  1. danicaliforniacooks says:

    definitely onboard with carboloading prior to a big presentation. I’m so glad I stumbled upon your blog today! I received my BA in Public Health Studies in undergrad, and continue to work in the healthcare space. I don’t think I’ll ever go back and get my MPH but I love hearing about other people who do!

  2. Lee at Veggie Quest says:

    Hey Alyssa, I had tailor’s bunions on both feet repaired at the same time a few years ago, so I feel your pain! Showering was the WORST. Anyway, thanks for sharing your food day, and hope your presentation went well!

  3. Jessica @ Balance and Thyme says:

    CONGRATS on completing your master’s degree. What an accomplishment! I feel your pain on being owned by crutches. I broke my foot about two years go and was crutch bound for 12 weeks. You’re right. Showering is THE worst. Hang in there!

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